The first release candidate (RC1) for WordPress 3.4 is now available. If you haven’t tested WordPress 3.4 yet, now is the time!
WordPress 3.4 Release Candidate
Plugin Directory Refreshed
Been hanging out with a few hackers — Scott, Nacin, and Otto — the last few days in a BBQ-fueled haze of hacking to make plugin directory better. There are over 19,000 plugins listed and they’re really the heart and soul of WordPress for many people, so they deserve a little tender loving care. […]
Calling All Contributors: Community Summit 2012
Each year, the WordPress core development team meets in person for a week to work together and discuss the vision for WordPress in the coming year. As annual events go, it’s easily my favorite. Don’t get me wrong, I love attending WordCamps and local WordPress meetups (which are awesome and you should try to attend […]
WordPress 3.4 Beta 4
Less bugs, more polish, the same beta disclaimers. Download, test, report bugs. Thanks much. /ryan #thewholebrevitything